Digital Economy: Growth Driver for the Society

08 October 11:15 - 12:45
Dallas Ballroom 2

Hi-tech development in Ukraine is hampered by the lack of innovative infrastructure. At the same time, the country has big chance of making a breakthrough, if it chooses digital economy as one of the main priorities. But Ukraine has problems with all the digital agenda attributes:

• The market of digital services is underdeveloped. 

• Digital society lags behind in digital skills, hi-tech usage in healthcare, and overall low level of trust in e-services. 

• Lack of broadband Internet access, inchoate 3G penetration level and absence of 4G, no-digital zones. 

• Low level of trust in e-government services, total prevalence of paper document flow, lack of transparency.

• Science orientation at a raw material economy, brain drain, low science financing, no venture financing.

All these problems hamper the development of hi-tech product companies. Successful Ukrainian hi-tech companies are focused on IT outsourcing, but not end products.


Issues to be discussed:


• Which tasks should the Government and Parliament accomplish to help develop digital economy?

• How should we change Ukraine's economy for hi-tech to permeate in all areas? 

• What are the possible ways of innovative ecosystem development in Ukraine? 

• What is the influence of the Digital Agenda on the economy and society?

• What hampers the development of e-market, ICT infrastructure, research centers, e-government? 

• What are the global trends in making of innovative products?

• How the country may help to attract strategic investors?

• Can Ukraine replicate experience of creating "Silicon Valleys"?

• How to use the opportunities provided by the EU, in particular, by the Horizon 2020 program?

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