Hi-Tech Instruments for Ukrainian Industry Development

06 October 16:00 - 17:30
Dallas Ballroom 2

Devaluation of the national currency and other economic challenges slow down greatly development of the Ukrainian industry, affecting the competitive ability of the national producers in EU. The most effective way to recover the Ukrainian goods competitiveness in the global markets might be cooperation between IT-sector offers and industrial needs. Innovative manufacturing should be a main driver of the economic revival of the country.


Still national producers and IT-companies are unable to effectively cooperate because of the lack of the proper government attention to the industrial sector. Furthermore, they are not able either to search for and implement innovations through their own resources since the significant financial risks associated with such kind of projects. Although for the last two years Ukraine has been making attempts to develop innovation policy, however, the outcomes are minimal. Industrial startups funding remains still an open issue because of the absence of the venture investors and funds in Ukraine.


In view of this, it is crucial to discuss practice of corporate innovations, which would allow even the average Ukrainian company to access the innovative market.

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