Go Online. Be cashless. Potential and challenges facing e-commerce in Ukraine and Ukrainian businesses in the world (Partner of discussion - Mastercard)

06 October 13:30 - 15:00
B Hall, 1st Floor

New technologies change the usual paradigm of doing business. Business goes online, because it reduces costs, helps to meet the expectations of consumers, and be in-line with world trends.

 This year the turnover in Ukrainian e-com will increase by at least 30-40%, to 50 billion UAH. The market growth in dollar terms, the increase of the average purchase receipt, the growth of the total number of customers, the change in business models, the opening of niche shops are the current realities of the e-commerce market in Ukraine.

 Ukrainian business has already mastered online as a sales channel. At the same time, the implementation of business solutions is often not efficient and modern. During the panel, we will discuss how to build sustainable systems, what technological solutions lead to multiple business growth, what is the potential growth of online businesses, what is needed for developing modern e-commerce in Ukraine. Owners of successful e-commerce businesses, as well as fintech market experts, will share their experience, faced challenges, and solutions.

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