Ukraine in the New World. Route To Success

05 October 14:00 - 15:30
B Hall, 1st Floor

The spread of IT has extraordinarily fast changed the world. Futurists build bold predictions from the fantastic possibilities of growing organs from stem cells to the Colonization of Mars. They predict food and water shortage, global warming and lots of unemployment. It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future. How will changes affect Ukraine? To be sidelined from the crucial economic and social processes or to overleap the crisis lasted about 50-60 years by one jump – what will choose Ukraine? Can technologies solve Ukraine’s problems identified at the national level? Could we all change our way of thinking following exponential technologies? What skills should children be taught? We would like to know what future is waiting for us in 30 years in order to take a fresh look at today’s problems. Perhaps some potential problems we face can be solved easily?

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