International Business: Competitors or Partners?

18 October 16:30 - 18:00
C Hall, 1st Floor

Over the past two decades, the advent of the fourth industrial revolution coupled with increased globalization, has divided the world into developed countries and countries which are lagging behind.

The Asian tigers have consistently sustained high-growth economic rate with the help of the competitive advantage that quickly becomes irrelevant. At the same time, rapid rate of change in the modern life is killing new strategies for development and cooperation.

Developed countries attract top talents, while reducing both their raw materials use and decreasing their cooperation with less developed countries. These few dozen countries, who are uniquely positioned and are the best prepared for the current industrial transformation are creating closed-loop supply chains and occupy monopoly positions in the field of innovative ecosystems.

Rich countries tend to practice protectionism while also promoting their products internationally. As a result, poor countries have fewer resources available to them, as well as a limited chance to protect their own interests in the global economic arena.

How can we promote cooperation between states and business in countries that are at very different stages of development? How can you ensure that you do not lose your chance to transform? How can a country enter global value chains?

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