Investment in the Turbulent World: Which Strategies Win?

19 October 13:00 - 14:30
A Hall, 3rd Floor

According to the UN, in 2018 almost half of the total volume of foreign direct investment in the world was affected by the US tax reform. Western governments have begun the process of global deoffshorization and anti-money laundering. Experts raise the alarm - trade wars and other political risks undermine market stability, and economic nationalism threatens global cooperation.

At the same time, China is strengthening the position of the economic leader in the world arena; the technologically backward sectors of the economy are at risk of disappearing, while the business models of new industries are in the process of their formation. Under these conditions businesses are forced to review their own strategies and have to constantly experiment. The risks are growing, not only the profits but the survival of companies in the future are at stake. Ukraine’s business faces new challenges and has to respond quickly to a new economic reality.  

At the Kyiv International Economic Forum, with experts and practitioners we will discuss how to attract resources and where to invest today. What risks threaten business in different regions and how to minimize them? Which development strategies are the most effective under conditions of uncertainty? How to diversify risks relying on already existing business models?

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