"Hennessy X.O - The Silk Road Odyssey" (by invitation only)

08 November 18:30 - 22:00

The VIP-dinner will bring under one roof representatives of the Ukrainian political community, civil society and world business community, successful reformers from other countries, business leaders and prominent economists, ambassadors. Guests will have a great opportunity to build a professional network and discuss the first day of the Forum with the speakers.

The dinner will be attended by the Chef of a triple Michelin-starred restaurant La Vague d’Or у Cheval Blanc St Tropez Arno Donkel and the Chef of a Kyiv restaurant Lucky Volodymyr Yaroslavsky.

When creating the menu, chefs were inspired by seven notes of Hennessy X.O flavors, described by the Hennessy Tasting Committee and featured in Ridley Scott's short film, as well as by local dishes and typical Ukrainian cuisine ingredients that form the basis of the dishes.

Thanks to a synergy between two chefs in each of seven countries, including Kazakhstan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Turkey and China, will be created a menu of 7 iconic dishes.

Admission to the Gala Dinner is by VIP TICKET ONLY.

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