Let's Build a Brand of Ukraine Together!

09 November 12:00 - 13:30
E Hall, 1st Floor

Why do leading states attract large foreign direct investments as well as international businesses, have the best specialists, annually increasing the flow of tourists? What causes such a trust of the world community?

Every successful country is first and foremost a strong brand!

Dr. Govers has worked on developing strategies for national brands in the UAE, Qatar, the Netherlands, Kazakhstan, as well as some regions of the EU. Also, he is the co-founder of the global analytical project Good Country Index, in which Ukraine has been a #1 contributor into the global development of Science&Technology for the past two years in a raw!

BUSINESS100 togather with KIEF invited the best specialists in the world to build the reputation of countries in order to increase their capitalization. Having combined the efforts of government and business, we will build a strong, modern and comfortable country which has its own unique identity.

IMPORTANT! EVERY participant of the master class will receive a new book by Dr. Govers “Imaginative Communities”, with the signature of the author, AS A GIFT!

Pre-registration is required:http://bit.ly/2oQeDwb

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