How to Compete on a Global Scale

07 October 11:00 - 12:30
B Hall, 1st Floor

For many years we have been taught to win. To build barriers, to boldly go into battle, to strike, to fight and conquer. It seemed to us that otherwise, it was simply impossible to defeat an opponent. Even today, we give those few successful Ukrainian businessmen who pioneered global markets a standing ovation. For us, they are heroes who survived a ruthless competition and prevailed in an uneven fight. And looking at them, not everyone is ready to repeat this feat.

But the world has changed, the strategy of the game has changed. Price wars have been replaced by cooperation. Today it is not necessary to prevail over the rival, cooperative consumption is a key trend that has greatly changed consumer habits. Paradoxically, you do not need to erect barriers to protect yourself from the effects of competition, it is important to remain honest and transparent with the consumer, socially responsible, and energetically charged with your business. It is not necessary to fight global challenges, it is important to develop the flexibility to find your chance. What strategy will yield the most significant results today? How to compete in global markets under the new game conditions? How to create and implement new rules of competition for your unique advantages? We will discuss with international and Ukrainian businessmen, economists and visionaries.

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