Adam Lowmass

Transformation manager at Shell and NCOC

Adam currently leads the development and deployment of several business improvement programs and digital transformation in the North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC). NCOC is an operating company for the North Caspian Sea Production Sharing Agreement (NCSPSA). The agreement includes seven companies consisting of KazMunayGas, Eni, ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, Total S.A., China National Petroleum Corporation and Inpex.

Adam has extensive global management experience, having lived and worked in nine countries (Russia, Australia, South Africa, United Kingdom, Iran, South Korea, the Netherlands, Ireland and currently Kazakhstan). Since 2007 he has worked for Shell, successfully leading teams in commercial (mergers, acquisitions and divestment), strategy development, business transformation and capital projects. Prior to joining Shell, he was an officer in the Royal Australian Engineers. Adam holds a Masters of Engineering Science (Offshore – Geotechnical) from the University of Western Australia; a Masters of Technology (Petroleum) with Distinction from Curtin University of Technology and an Executive Masters of Business Administration with Honours from IMD, in Switzerland.

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