Vitaliy Melnychuk

Key expert in Pension Reform group, in Reanimation Package of Reforms (RPR)

Key expert in Pension Reform group, in Reanimation Package of Reforms (RPR) - a coalition of non-government organizations and experts of Ukraine, Vice-President of the asset management company “KINTO” (since 2005), a member of the Open Pension Fund “Social Standard” (since 2010). An expert in the field of corporate and public funding and pension provision.

A deputy of Ukraine, a member of Ukraine’s Parliament of the first democratic convocation (1990-94), the Mayor of Zhytomyr (1990-92). The Head of the Advisers group to the Prime Minister of Ukraine (1994-96). The Deputy Chairman of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine (1997-2005). Vitaliy Melnychuk holds a PhD degree in Economics, he is an Associate Professor at the National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (since 1997).

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