Bohdan Hawrylyshyn

Member of the Club of Rome, Word Academy of Arts and Science

Public person, social activist and philanthropist, President of Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Foundation. Member of the Club of Rome, Word Academy of Arts and Science, International Management Academy, Doctor of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Geneva, Honorary Doctor in 7 Universities of Canada and Ukraine, consultant to governments of various states and international companies, moderator and chairman of numerous international conferences and seminars in more than 88 countries. Founder of the International Management Institute (IMI-Kyiv Business School), International Centre for Policy Studies. He was advisor to the first President of Ukraine, four Chairman of Parliament and three prime ministers. Acted as Chairman of Advisory Council to the Presidium of Ukrainian Parliament (Verhovna Rada). Founded several youth organizations in Ukraine. Active member of the Ukrainian National Scout Organization PLAST. Author of books: “Towards more effective societies: Road Maps to the Future” (1980), “Identity in Globalized World” (2011).


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