Dirk Slodzinski

Director Business Consulting, Deutsche Bahn Engineering & Consulting GmbH

For the past 18 years, Dirk has worked in different management functions within Deutsche Bahn group. Among those were program manager for international development projects, sales director for passenger transport in the Benelux markets and head of strategy for DB’s track infrastructure business unit.

Since 2015, Dirk is leading the external management consultancy unit of DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn AG. The company was founded in 1966 and focuses on providing Deutsche Bahn’s know-how and experience to clients all over the globe.

In the past years, Dirk and his team have successfully led several railway reform and transformation programs in Central Asia and the Middle East. They are also currently active in many other countries, helping the local railways to improve their performance and financial stability.

DB E&C is currently helping the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine as well as Ukrsalisnyzja to reorganize the passenger railway business in Ukraine.

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