Donatus Kaufmann

Senior Partner at Berlin Global Advisors

Dr. Donatus Kaufmann is Senior Partner at Berlin Global Advisors. He combines over 20 years of strong track record in global executive roles in the Technology, Industry, Pharma, Telecom and Trade Sector with close ties into industry, politics, ministries, regulators and industry associations in Germany and on EU level. From 2014-2019 he was Executive Board member of DAX-listed ThyssenKrupp AG – with responsibilities for Innovation, Digital Transformation, Technology, Sustainability, Legal, Compliance and the business regions North America and Western Europe. Furthermore he was Chairman of the BDI Committee on competition order and member of the Executive Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce. Prior to that he held executive positions with global responsibilities in Metro AG, Boehringer Ingelheim Group and various Telecom companies. In addition to his role at BGA Donatus Kaufmann is founder & CEO of smart innovation ventures GmbH and an independent Strategic Executive Advisor.

Donatus Kaufmann studied law, business administration, political science and history at the universities of Göttingen, Bonn, Paris-Sorbonne, FernUniversität Hagen and INSEAD. He holds a PhD in International Law.

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