Cemalettin Damlaci

Former Deputy Undersecretary Ministry of Economy of Turkey

Mr. Cemalettin Damlacı has been awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science at Gazi University in Ankara.

He pursued an International Trade Policies Training Program at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara.

He began his professional career in Ministry of Industry and Technology in 1978.

He has continued his government service in the Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade and the Ministry of Economy. He served as the General Director of European Affairs between October 2001 and October 2009 and as the Deputy Undersecretary between October 2009 and June 2011. He has also continued in his position as the Deputy Undersecretary in the Ministry of Economy until November 2013.

During his term in office, he led Free Trade Agreement negotiations with more than 25 countries including Ukraine.

He has been retired in November 2013.

He has held positions as the Secretary General of Export Promotion Center of Turkey and also Deputy Chairman of Board of Directors of Turkish Accreditation Agency.    

He has also held positions as Commercial Counselor between 1989-1992 in the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Brussels and between 1997-2000 in the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Ukraine.

He is currently giving lectures on European Union Affairs and Turkey’s foreign trade relations at the universities in Turkey.

He is the scholar of papers on European Union Affairs at several academic journals. 

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