Andrew Chisholm

Owner of the consultancy KWATEE and lecturer in Strategy at EM Lyon Business School

For the past 18 years Andrew has coached top executives and advised both national and international organisations all over Europe (both East and West) in introducing change to favour sustainable success in complex, fast changing, competitive environments.

He also lectures at the EM Lyon Business School at Lyon, Paris and Shanghai campuses in: Strategy, International Strategy, Strategic Change and Corporate Entrepreneurship.

Before moving into consulting, he developed his career in research for Orange Labs and in a number of senior management roles in Schneider Electric. Andrew’s experience is international and multidisciplinary and includes: programme management, new product development, sales engineering, technology transfers, global account management, regional and product marketing. He also managed several group level transformation projects for Schneider Electric.

Today Andrew’s main advising and coaching focus is:

·       Accompanying leaders and companies in the alignment of their organisations with their strategy,

·       Leadership transformation and development

·       Implementing agile cultures and organisations and preparing for digitalisation through cultural and system transformation,

·       Development of innovation, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial cultures within existing organisations.

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