Phillip Hatch

Managing Director at Akholi

Mr. Hatch is a globally recognized workforce futurist with a track record of helping the largest companies in the world solve their complex labor challenges and helping countries create jobs. Mr. Hatch was the business unit C.E.O. for ManpowerGroup’s outsourcing business unit and created the world’s largest program that partnered international companies with academia to create high-demand talent collaboratively. Mr. Hatch recently crafted the Canadian national workforce modernization and economic diversification strategy, targeting a $100 billion direct economic lift and reskilling over 4 million people. Mr. Hatch has been a champion of the Ukrainian technology industry for twenty years and is the driving force behind the “Center for Biostatistics Programming,” which partnered international pharmaceutical companies with V.N.K. Kharkiv National University to create high-demand biostatisticians collaboratively. This program continues to operate, fully funded by the global private sector.

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