Hanna Novosad

Minister of Education and Science in Ukraine

Hanna Novosad became the Minister of Education and Science on 29th of 2019. Before that she was elected as the PM of Verkhovna Rada of 9th Convocation from the Servant of the People party. During 2014-2019 she was working in the Minister of Education and Science. From March to November 2014, she held the position of Advisor to the Minister of Education and Science. After that, until December 2017 she headed the Department of International Cooperation and European Integration of the Ministry of Education and Science. Later, from December 2017 to August 2019, on a competitive basis, she was elected Director-General of the Directorate-General for Strategic Planning and European Integration of the Ministry of Education and Science. This newly established body coordinates all reforms initiated by the Ministry.

Hanna Novosad received her Masters Degree in the Netherlands, Maastricht University as a Fellowship holder of the Open Society Fund. In 2011, she received her Bachelor Degree in Political Science at National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.

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