George Logush

President of Kyiv School of Economics (KSE)

Dr. George Logush is the President of Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) since May 1, 2014. Prior to his appointment as President George was Senior Advisor to the Board of KSE and also Visiting Executive Professor of Strategy. He was previously a member of the Governing Board of KSE (2003-2007).

George has considerable academic experience in Ukraine and the US. In Ukraine, most recently, he was Vice-Rector for Strategy (2012-2014) at the Ukrainian Catholic University, as well as Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Lviv Business School. In addition, he was a member of governing board of the International Management Institute in Kyiv (1992-2013), which he helped to co-found in 1989.

In the US, George was at Fordham University in New York City (1975-1992) where he was an Associate Dean overseeing faculty, curriculum and research; chair of several departments (Economics, Quantitative Methods, International Business); tenured professor of economics; and Director of the Institute of International Business. He was also the co-founder of Fordham University’s Graduate School of Business in 1975. In addition, George has taught or lectured at preeminent institutions such as Harvard University, Northwestern University, New York University, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences/Institute of Economics, University of Warsaw, SGPiS/Warsaw School of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of World Economy/Romanian Academy of Sciences as well as IBM’s C-Suite Executive Program in Europe.

George’s academic experience is complemented by his extensive business experience. He was Vice President of Kraft Foods (1995-2011) where he was also Managing Director for Eastern Europe and Ukraine as well as member of the Kraft Management Board for the CEEMA region. He received Kraft President’s Award for Managerial Courage and also for Staff Development. Under his leadership, Kraft Foods was recognized as best employer in Ukraine for many years. In Ukraine he was also VP at MHP and founding managing director of RJR and KPMG. In the US he was the Chief Operating Officer of Garden State Health Plan HMO in Princeton, New Jersey (1980-1992).

His other governance experience includes independent director on the Board of Directors of Milkiland BV, Veres/Smart Holding, and previously Chumak Food. He is Senior Board Advisor for the US-Ukraine Business Council, and was Vice Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce (ACC) in Ukraine (2004-2011).

He and his wife Tetyana founded and co-direct a unique open literary competition “Coronation of the Word” in Ukraine, which discovered more than 250 new writers, with over 400 published novels, 7 films, and 8 theatre premieres.

George holds a PhD in Mathematical Economics/Econometrics and MA in Economics from New York University as well as a BS in Engineering Science and Economics from the City University of New York. He completed the Corporate Executive Program at the Kellogg School, Northwestern University.

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