Ivan Vidakovic

Digital Transformation Director CEE Multi-Country Europe, Microsoft

Ivan began his career in IBM Croatia in 1984 as Systems Engineer and soon moved to sales and marketing. In 1991 he moved to Oman and moved fast through positions in sales and management including Branch Manager, Country General Manager of Oman and in 1996 becoming a Country General Manager of Oman and Yemen. He was also the Board member of Gulf Business Machines, LLC, contributing to the overall development of business in the Gulf. In 2001 he returned to Croatia as General Manager of IBM Croatia and holding his last position in IBM as Business Controls Project Leader for CEE region in 2009. 

In 2010 he took over the position of a Country Manager of Microsoft Croatia and in July 2012 became a Country Manager of Croatia & Bosnia and Herzegovina. He moved to a CEE MCE region taking on position of a Director for Digital transformation.

Ivan has graduated mathematics and computer sciences at the Faculty of Natural Science, Zagreb, Croatia. He has graduated the Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Prairie View, Illinois, USA.

He was a President of Croatian American Chamber, a member of Croatian National Competitiveness Council and a winner of Croatian Managers` and Entrepreneurs` Association for best manager in 2016 in a category of foreign companies in Croatia.

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