Karin Mayer Rubinstein

CEO of the Israel Advanced Technology Industries

IATI is Israel’s umbrella organization of the high-tech, life science and other advanced technology industries, with over 700 members from every level and aspect of the ecosystem. Prior to her current position, Karin served as a senior partner and managing director of business development in leading commercial law firms. Karin is a member of steering committees and a keynote speaker at many leading global conferences around the world and in the United Nations. She is a Member of the Board of Governance of Tel Aviv University and a Director in the Israel-America Chamber of Commerce.

Karin holds a BA at Economics, an LLB and an MBA from Tel-Aviv University. Karin was nominated, twice in a row, as one of the "Top 100 Influential Young Business Persons" in Israel by Forbes Magazine, as well as one of the Marker's "Top 40 Leading Young Business Persons".

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