Kyrylo Kryvolap

Executive director of the Center for Economic Recovery, adviser to the Prime Minister of Ukraine on public grounds, partner of the international consulting company CIVITTA

Kyrylo has more than 20 years of experience working in private companies and government sector projects. Under his leadership, the Center for Economic Innovation (CER) prepares analytical products for a number of other government institutions, taking part in the creation of strategic documents and action plans.

On the CER platform were developed the National Economic Strategy 2030, the National Strategy for the Creation of a Barrier-Free Space in Ukraine, and the Program for Stimulating the Economy Affected by COVID-19.

The CER team led by Kyryll Kryvolap participated in the preparation of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine 2050 and took part in the justification of the Second Nationally Determined Contribution of Ukraine (NDC2).

Kyrylo Kryvolap is a graduate of the Executive MBA program of the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School.

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