Natalia Yemchenko

Director of Public Relations and Communications, SCM

Natalia Yemchenko has been holding the position of Director of Public Relations and Communications at SCM for fifteen years.

Her portfolio of responsibilities includes: establishing long-term relations with target audiences, including the media, employees, citizens in the regions of operations, the government, CSOs, and general public, as well as building reputation and a strong, positive perception of SCM.

She holds an Executive MBA from INSEAD, the leading European Business School (France). Natalia Yemchenko is a Member of the Supervisory Board of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation. She is a co-founder of Live.Love sports project and a contributor to popular national media.

Mrs Yemchenko was among Forbes Ukraine’s Top 33 Self-Made Women in 2020. She is at number 35 on Focus magazine’s list of the most influential women in Ukraine.

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