Oleksandr Kamyshin

Minister for Strategic Industries of Ukraine

2006-2008 – auditor at KPMG Audit CJSC.

2008-2012 – economist in the analytical department of Dragon Asset Management LLC.

In 2009, appointed Deputy General Director for Economic Security of Karlivka Machine-Building Plant PJSC, and from 2009 to 2012, served as General Director of the company.

2012-2018 – investment manager at System Capital Management PJSC.

2018-2019 – member of the Supervisory Board of Lemtrans LLC.

2021 – Acting Chairman of the Board of JSC Ukrainian Railways.

2021-2023 – Chairman of the Board of JSC Ukrainian Railways.

In March 2023, Oleksandr Kamyshin was appointed Minister for Strategic Industries of Ukraine.

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