Oleksandr Maksymenko

Head of the Investment Protection and Implementation of Specialization of Prosecutors Unit of the Department of Criminal Policy and Investment Protection of the Prosecutor General's Office

Oleksandr Maksymenko has an impressive career as an attorney and councel, having graduated from the esteemed National University "Yaroslav Mudryi Law Academy" and worked for more than 8 years in one of the largest legal firms in Ukraine. His expertise in defending large international and Ukrainian companies in criminal proceedings related to economic crimes has earned him recognition by both Ukrainian and international ratings. Oleksandr has a huge of experience in conducting internal investigations in companies and analyzing criminal legal risks of business activities, both domestically and abroad. During the period of martial law, Oleksandr joined the team at the Prosecutor General’s office, where he is responsible for the direction of investment protection and the introduction of specialization of prosecutors. He is actively involved in collaborating with business organizations and diverse state bodies to address the issues related to fixing the damage caused by Russian aggression in Ukraine and securing relevant compensations for companies.

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