Oleksandr Yurchak

General director of Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine

Yurchak Oleksandr takes the position of general director of Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine (APPAU). He is coordinator of movement 4.0. Oleksandr has 2 diploma, of engineer and business. He has 30+ years of experience managing businesses in industrial automation and electrical engineering, process engineering and machine building. He worked 10+ years in international company Schneider Electric, then in Ukrainian CTS Group, NPI named Frunze, State agency of investment. His international experience cover markets of Russia & CIS, Eastern Europe and France. Oleksandr manages APPAU since 2012. In the national movement ‘Industry 4.0 in Ukraine’ he has 2 roles, as the main strategist and the organizer of development programs.  

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