Oleksandra Vakulina

Euronews' Business Editor

Oleksandra Vakulina is Euronews' Business Editor, coordinating the channel's daily coverage of business affairs, both in news and current affairs programmes. Oleksandra also produces and presents Euronews weekly specialist business programme "Business Line", focusing on the connections and consequences of the world's major business developments. Oleksandra joined Euronews in 2011 as a business news journalist as part of the channel's Ukrainian service and was promoted into the current position of Business editor after regularly producing a variety of special events, new programmes and bringing a decisive contribution to Euronews' overall news coverage. Oleksandra is also a regular moderator of various world business events. Prior to Euronews, she was an editor and presenter of Ukraine's "First Business Channel". Oleksandra holds a master degree in Translation and Interpreting from the university of Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine.

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