Oleksyi Honcharuk

Prime Minister of Ukraine

Oleksiy Honcharuk is Ukraine’s 17th Prime Minister. He is also the youngest PM in the modern Ukrainian history.

Previously he served as Deputy Head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine and was a member of the National Reforms Council under the President of Ukraine.

For more than ten years in legal practice Oleksiy Honcharuk has established a reputation as a strong professional and qualified specialist. Honcharuk is also known as a strong fighter for business community rights.

Since 2005 he has worked as a lawyer in the PRIOR-Invest investment company, afterwards headed its legal department. 2008 — worked as an arbitration manager, founder and managing partner at Constructive Lawyers, which provides legal services in the field of investment and financing real estate construction. 2015 — Head of the Better Regulation Delivery Office non-governmental organization (BRDO). Among achievements as head of BRDO, he cancelled around 1000 of illegal and irrelevant acts, as well as adopted more than 50 businesses decisions.

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