Oleksiy Orzhel

Minister of Energy and Environmental Protection of Ukraine

Oleksiy Orzhel has 15 years of expertise in the field of fuel and energy complex. Oleksiy Orzhel has held various positions in the National energy regulatory authority in the energy sector. Since 2014 - in the private sector. He headed the Ukrainian Renewable Energy Association and was the head of the Energy sector of the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO).

The newly established Ministry with Minister Oleksiy Orzhel will merge two ministries - the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources that were operational within the previous government. Such changes are aimed to ensure a comprehensive approach to the Government’s policy on the use of natural resources and energy and on shaping a single policy to address the negative effects of global climate change. Such an approach is rather common in the European and global practice, in particular in the EU countries (France, Denmark, Greece, Portugal, Australia).

He graduated from the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute with a master's degree in Energy Management.

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