Rajendra Kumar Pachauri

Nobel Peace Prize Winner (2007), President of the World Sustainable Development Forum

Dr. R K. Pachauri is currently the Chief Mentor of the Protect Our Planet Movement and President of the World Sustainable Development Forum. He chaired the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from 2002 up until 2015 and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 on behalf of the Panel. He is the former Chairman and Founding CEO of the New Delhi-based The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). He was the Founding Director of the Yale Climate and Energy Institute (YCEI) from July 2009 till June 2012 following which he was the Senior Adviser to YCEI until June 2014. He has been active in several international forums dealing with the subject of climate change and its policy dimensions.

Dr. Pachauri holds 25 honorary doctorates from leading universities across the globe. He has been decorated by the governments of France, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, and has received the second highest civilian award in India from the President of India.

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