Sergii Rybalka

Chairman of the Committee on Financial Policy and Banking of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

A Ukrainian politician, Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Committee on Financial Policy and Banking of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Mr Rybalka previously was a businessman for many years, served as a Member of Dnipro City Council twice, worked as a Deputy Chairman of the National Agency on Preparation and Holding in Ukraine UEFA EURO-2012, and served as a Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine.

He successively advocates for systematic cooperation between all the governmental bodies to accelerate economic growth, create conditions for structural economic changes, and enhance the role of innovations and high tech industries. Promotes the necessity of coordinated financial, industrial, trade and regional policies.

Mr Rybalka initiated the development and public discussion of the Banking Sector Development Strategy 2016-2020. The Strategy project, that was prepared by group of bankers, scientists and field experts, was thoroughly discussed during various “round tables” and conferences. More than 10 scientific and expert institutions took part in the revision of the Strategy project, including NASU Institute for Economics and Forecasting. On 20th of May, The Committee on Financial policy and Banking of Verkhovna Rada recommended that the Parliament, the Government and other authorities take into account in their work the Banking Sector Development Strategy 2016-2020 project recommendations.

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