Sergiy Savchuk

Head of State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine

Since his appointment in August, 2014 Mr. Savchuk has achieved a significant success in implementing state policy in the sphere of energy efficiency, energy saving and renewable energy. Due to the initiated and implemented measures and incentives in Ukraine there are some main achievements:

  • adopted National Action Plans on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy till 2020;
  • more than 170 thousand Ukrainian families became participants of the state energy efficiency support program;
  • installed 1.2 GW of new non-gas heat power capacities;
  • over the 2015-2016 heating season 7.2 billion m3 of gas were reduced by individual consumers, heat production companies and budgetary institutions in comparison with the 2013-2014 heating season.

The necessary measures have been taken for improving Ukrainian legislation in these spheres. At the same time the SAEE builds strong partnerships with international organizations and financial institutions.

Mr. Savchuk has great professional experience. He worked both in business and in executive authorities of Ukraine. Thus, Mr. Savchuk worked as a Deputy Head of the Energy Policy Department of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Particularly, in 2004 he led the project on the completion of construction of two nuclear power plants. Then he held a range of leading positions. In 2010 he worked as a Member of the Supervisory Board at the Naftogaz of Ukraine, led the License Control Office at the National Energy Regulation Commission in 2011, was an Advisor on energy issues to the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine in 2012, a Member of the Supervisory Board at the commercial bank in 2013, a Member of the Expert Council at the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine. 

Working in business, in particular from March 1996 till 1999 and in 2012-2013, Mr. Savchuk led different companies and projects in the energy sphere. 

Mr. Savchuk has a master's degree in public administration from the Ukrainian Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (2003) and a degree in business management from the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (1997).

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