Timur Khromaev

Chairman of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC), Head of the Committee on Development Strategy and Economic Analysis of Stock Market

Timur Khromaev as the Chairamn of NSSMC heads the Commission’s system and comprehensively manages its activities including coordination of NSSMC Commissioners’ work. His competence also covers convocation and conduction of regulator’s meetings, regulation of activities of Regional Offices of NSSMC, hiring and staffing issues in accordance with current legislation, and representation of the regulator. Moreover, as a Chairman, he is responsible for strategic plans on stock market development, coordination and designing of legislative and regulatory activities of NSSMC, implementation of IFRS, coordination of scientific, research and educational programs on stock market, improvement of public financial literacy, etc.

Mr. Khromaev started his career in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in 1997. He began as a leading specialist in External Debt Management Unit of External Debt Division and became the Head of Capital Markets Division in External Debt Department. In 2001, he obtained a position of Deputy Chairman of the Board in CJSC “Commercial Bank NRB-Ukraine”, and worked on the same position for CJSC “TAS-Investbank” in 2002. Timur Kromaev established investment company “ARTA”, which is among the leading investment companies in Ukraine in February, 2013.

Since 2013, he obtained a position of Executive Director in GASE Energy, Inc.

Timur Kromaev received his first economic education in Union College, New York, USA (1997).

Then he continued his education in Kyiv National University by the name of Taras Shevchenko, Institute of International Relations on the faculty of international law (2008-2010) and gained a master degree.

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