Valentyn Zaporoshchuk

Founder and president, PRAVIO group of companies

Valentyn Zaporoshchuk – Ukrainian entrepreneur, founder and president of the group of companies "PRAVIO", Vice-President of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Member of the Board of Directors of the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine, deputy of Chernihiv regional council.

Valentin was born, lives and works in Ukraine. Since 1996 he is engaged in the development of dairy industry. An innovator in the production of dairy products and milk processing. Ideologist of implementation of modern technologies and business management methods.

PRAVIO Group of Companies is more than 15 years - a mutually integrated business, which includes a number of agro-industrial enterprises, including Private Joint Stock Company "Ichnya Dairy Canning Plant", where he is also a founder and member of the Supervisory Board.

Long-term experience in managing dairy companies, scientific work and search for new technologies create the quintessence of a modern entrepreneur, who is ready to challenge the transience of the world, and stay on the wave of constant development.

Orientation to integration and use of modern equipment allowed to build the only modern canned milk plant in Ukraine, which has no analogues in Europe. Investments of $ 50 million find their reflection in the enterprise which generates turnover capital of $ 35 million and processes 200 000 tons of milk annually.

The company exports its products to 70 countries worldwide, including the European Union, has numerous nominations in food fairs and is ISO, HACCP and FSSC certified. It occupies a leading position in Ukraine in terms of condensed milk production and exports.

In 2015 Valentin was awarded in the category "Philanthropist of the Year - Ukrainian Business Entity", his life credo "If you can help, then help" has been unchanged for many years.

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