Vasyl Danylyak

Chief executive officer of OKKO Group of companies

Mr. Danylyak has been working in the field of fuel retail for over 20 years. Under his leadership and during the acute fuel shortage in 2022, when the majority of market players were idle, the company was the first to bring fuel into the country and the first to open gas stations in the de-occupied Chernihiv, Kharkiv and Kherson regions. Currently, OKKO chain is number one in terms of market share considering retail fuel market.

The virtue of Vasyl Danylyak, OKKO’s CEO - is his ability to find new directions for investments as well as to exit an unpromising business on time. Forbes journalists, who were writing the "military" history of OKKO company, repeatedly heard precisely this description from their interlocutors on the count of head of Ukraine's largest fuel company.

Vasyl Danylyak is a member of the Ukrainian Business Council, a presidium member of Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU). At the beginning of 2022, he entered the TOP-30 best CEOs of Ukrainian companies according to the rating of the magazine "TOP-100. Ratings of the largest". Also, he is a speaker of national and international forums, industry conferences and business publications.

Today, OKKO Group of companies is represented on the market by various businesses in the sphere of production, trade, agriculture, construction, service and other services. Now a new direction is under development - production, transportation and storage of electricity.

From the first days of war until now, the Group of companies has been actively helping the military and war victims. Thus, as part of just one project, OKKO together with "Come back alive" foundation, provided the Armed Forces of Ukraine with 25 "SHARK" intelligence complexes with UAH 325 million worth. The second campaign "OKO ZA OKO. Arm TDF to the teeth" is currently going on and in its framework OKKO together with "Come back alive" covers the urgent needs of the Territorial defense forces in mortars, grenade launchers and machine guns.

As of September 2023, the total amount of company’s aid has amounted to over than UAH 1 billion.

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