Victoria Yarmoshchuk


Victoria has been working in the media sphere since 2005. She has worked with FILM.UA Group since its inception for over 18 years, she is deeply involved in all the processes that take place inside the Group. Before being named CEO of FILM.UA Group in 2020, Victoria for 10 years was leading the biggest Ukrainian consulting company Media Resources Management (MRM). In 2011 Victoria had successfully launched KYIV MEDIA WEEK, and while leading it for years, advanced this, by far the biggest Eastern European media industry event that every year take place in Kyiv to the global level.

In 2016 she has become an Executive Director of Ukrainian Motion Picture Association and got the National Award of Ukraine ‘Teletriumf’ for her personal significant contribution to the promotion and popularization of Ukrainian media industry and Ukraine globally. It is also worth mentioning that Victoria actively participated in development of strategies for creative industries in Ukraine together with local and international organizations and authorities. In 2018, Victoria was an Advisor to the Minister of Culture of Ukraine. In 2019 she was a Coordinator of the Cinema Division of the Humanitarian Policy Development Office of Ukraine. 

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