Vladyslav Rashkovan

Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine

Education: Degree in Economics, major in Finance and Credit, Odesa National Economic University. Post-graduate student, Lecturer and Researcher, Banking Department, Odesa National Economic University.


2006-2014 – Head of Macroeconomic Research Bureau, Project Management and Business Development Director; served as a Member of the Management Board of UniCredit Bank PJSC (from 2010); in 2013, managed the process of merging UniCredit Bank PJSC with Ukrsotsbank PJSC.  Following the completion of the merger, held the position of the Director of Activity Maintenance and Organization Center of UniCredit Bank PJSC.

 2000-2005 – Director, Department of Banking System Strategy and Reforming of the National Bank of Ukraine. Mr. Rashkovan is a Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine since April 2014.

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