Vladyslava Rutytska

Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine on European Integration

Vladyslava Rutytska graduated with honors from Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, Ukraine, faculty of Cybernetics and received a degree in technical sciences. Recognized expert in the field of corporate governance, strategy development, project management, personnel management with 15 years old experience at the senior management positions.

Vladyslava Rutytska was the board member of "Palmira-Ruta" (wholesale and retail trade) and of "Kiev Investment Group" (Ukrainian financial and industrial holding company) where was operating at the strategic level. In 2009 Mrs.Rutytska joined the senior management team of one of the largest agricultural holdings in Ukraine and Europe. The responsibility of Vladyslava Rutytska included strategic development, implementation of systems to improve the efficiency of business areas, as well as operations management.

In Vladyslava’s baggage in addition to higher education and scientific degree are an internship on the Kaizen management in Japan; the "Responsible Leadership" course of Aspen Ukraine; MBA Edinburgh Business school; Agro MBA, Ukraine (MBA program designed together with KSE and LvBS with emphasis to the realities of agribusiness) as well as performance at numerous conferences and summits on business development themes (including Adam Smith Conference). Vladyslava is a Senator of the Economic Senate of European Parliament.

Mrs.Rutytska was appointed as a Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine on European Integration by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the middle of September. Under her responsibilities are issues related to the foreign economic activities within Ministry, adaptation of Ukrainian system of confirmative assessment to the European one, and interaction with NGOs and associations. She also mandated to represent the Minagropolicy at the Parliamentary Committees - especially in matters related to the harmonization of Ukrainian agrarian legislation to EU standards.

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