Volodymyr Kuzio

Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine

From 2021 until his appointment as Deputy Minister, he worked as an Executive Director and Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Bank Lviv PJSC.

In 2019-2021, he served as the Head of the non-banking financial institutions and capital markets division of the USAID Financial Sector Transformation Project and advised other USAID projects.

During 2017-2019, he held the positions of Director of the Investment Policy Department and Director of the Treasury Department of PJSC "Ukrzaliznytsia".

In 2013-2017, he worked as a Member of the Board of PJSC Idea Bank. In 2011-2013 he headed the Treasury Department of PJSC "Idea Bank". During 2008-2011, he occupied various positions in treasury and risk management at PJSC "Idea Bank" and PJSC "Plus Bank".

He graduated from Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas with a master's degree in accounting and audit. In addition, he studied at the one-year banking program at Poznan University of Economics (Poland), the CEO Development Program at Kyiv Mohyla Business School, the Board Direction Program of the Ukrainian Corporate Governance Academy and INSEAD, and the Digital Finance Certification Program at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (Germany). In 2016, he received a diploma of a dealer in international financial markets from the ACI-Financial Market Association (France).

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