Volodymyr Panov

Member of the Supervisory Board of 'Eurocar' CJSC, Director of 'Sezparkservice' LLC

Volodymyr Panov - a manager, a public figure and a professional with 30 years of experience in management, attracting of investments and realization of investment projects in Ukraine.

For many years he has been working at attracting investments in the Ukrainian economy and the Transcarpathian region, ensuring the leadership of the region (2001-2004 years) in the ranking of the investment activity and the dynamics of attracting direct foreign investments. He is the Founder and the Head of the Charity Fund "Strategic Research Foundation".

He has been holding executive positions at the "Atoll Holding" Group of Companies since 2005. He is a Member of the Supervisory Board of "Eurocar" CJSC, Director of "Sezparkservice" LLC, General Director of "STS", Vice-President of the Ukrainian Association for Innovation Development (UAID).

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