Vsevolod Kovalchuk

Acting Chairman of the Executive Board at NPC Ukrenergo, energy company in Ukraine

Vsevolod is responsible for the development of the Ukrainian power sector and integration of the national power system into the power system of ENTSO-E. 

Before his appointment as head of Ukrenergo, he had been working at the Company for several years, studying Ukrenergo from the inside and managing investments and cooperation with international financial institutions.

In 2008, Vsevolod worked as the Executive Director for Economic Policy and Analysis and Acting Vice President for Finance at NJSEC Energoatom. During 2001-2007, Vsevolod worked at NJSC Nafrogaz of Ukraine.

A graduate of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, faculty of economy, holding master’s degree in management. Obtained a second degree in electrical engineering and electrical technologies in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. MBA student of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

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