Evhen Kravtsov

The Chairman of JSC Ukrainian railways

Evhen Kravtsov joined Ukrainian Railways in 2015 as an Advisor to the Manager General of Ukrzaliznytsia. Later he used to work as a Manager (of reformation, property and law policy) of Ukrzaliznytsia, Head of Reformation and Corporate Development Department, Board member of Ukrzaliznytsia, Acting Chairman of Ukrzaliznytsia, the First Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Head of Supervisory Board of Ukrainian Railways. In August 2017 Evhen Kravtsov came back to Ukrainian Railways and got the position of Acting Chairman of the company. On January 10, 2019, Evhen Kravtsov was appointed as a Chairman of JSC “Ukrainian railways”.

The process of reformation was completed under Evhen Kravtsov’s management; the first statue and corporate governance reform were adopted. Moreover, he also contributed to the Supervisory Board formation with its independent members. The state register conducted registration of changes to the Ukrainian Railways statute and the company was transformed into private joint stock enterprise. Besides all of the above achievements, Evhen Kravtsov conduced to the most crucial renovation of rolling stock since the attainment of Ukrainian Independence.

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