Garry Jacobs

CEO, World Academy of Art & Science

Garry Jacobs

Garry Jacobs is an American author, researcher and consultant on business management, economic and social development, education and global governance. He is Chief Executive Officer and former Chairman of the Board of the World Academy of Art & Science; Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of World University Consortium; business author and founder of Mira International, a management consultant to businesses in Europe, North America and Asia on strategic growth and profitability; Managing Editor of Cadmus Journal on economics, education, international security and global governance; Vice-President of The Mother’s Service Society (MSS), an educational and social science research institute in India; and a full member of the Club of Rome. The integrating theme in Jacobs’ research is the social and psychological process of growth and development as it expresses at the level of the individual, organization, nation and the global community.

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