Agribusiness: a Turning Point in the History

08 October 10:45 - 12:15
San Francisco Meeting room

Agriculture in Ukraine has huge development opportunities thanks to the fertile soil and growing demand for food in the world. A number of reasons prevent quality leap in this sector: no private ownership of land, inadequate banking and non-banking financing, lack of cutting-edge technologies of cultivation and processing.

At the same time, there are warnings about the timeliness of launch of the market circulation of land and increasing the agricultural production, particularly because of ecology risks. Investments in all types of non-grain agribusiness are promising, as well as creation of a transport and storage infrastructure for agricultural products.


Issues to be discussed:


• Sale of agricultural land: national catastrophe or the path to increased profitability and investment attractiveness?

• What should be the state policy in the agricultural sector? Larger volumes or greater margins?

• Agriholdings: monopolists or partners for small business? How to ensure the development of SMB in the agricultural sector?

• What should be the role and share of organic farming?

• Is protectionism in the agricultural sector needed to create conditions for import substitution?

• How to start using hi-tech in agribusiness?

• What should be done for Ukrainian vegetables and fruits to replace imported products all the year round?

• What should be the policy regarding sea and river ports, river and coastal fleet, to increase grain exports?

• How to ensure long and cheap loans for agribusiness?

• Subsidies to farmers exist in the EU, but they are criticized when applied in Ukraine. How to ensure the correct orientation of the state aid?

• Export quotas and tolls. What should be the position of the state?

• What are the short and long-term consequences of the European Union Association Agreement for the agricultural sector?

• How to integrate Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in the global added value chain and do not miss the opportunity of self-development at the same time?

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