Establishing Institutions for Sustainable Development

06 October 13:15 - 14:45
Dallas Ballroom 1

Discussions around ways to launch perspective economy sectors and special zones have brought light to the fact that creating a countrywide legislation is a necessary, but not sufficient condition to put the country on track of fast development. Export credit agency is an institution that is an obligatory element of different instruments to increase non-raw material export in any developed country. Ukraine has been creating such an institution for almost 20 years. The same could be said about a bank for development.

The state of affairs is a little better when it comes to industrial parks and other special zones on separately allocated territories. Changes to legislation introduced back in 2014-2015 made it possible to come to real actions, but establishment of zones with special business conditions and investment attraction has turned out to be a very slow process.

Thus, during the discussion, importance will be put on establishment of special institutions and mechanisms in Ukraine, which would help support the development of separate territories and sectors. 

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