Industry 4.0 and Ukrainian Industrial Policy

06 October 11:15 - 12:45
Dallas Ballroom 1

Fourth industrial revolution has become the leitmotiv of Davos Economic Forum in 2016. Its main feature is combining computer technologies with achievements in biological research, as well as emerging new commercially profitable energy sources. G20, economically and technologically advanced countries, have become the basis of the new stage of global development.

Over the last 25 years, Ukraine has been overwhelmed with deindustrialization, whereas, revival of industrial potential is necessary to boost the level of GDP, as well as to create a foundation for new technologies. Policy of keeping of with technologically advanced countries is positive and keeps from sliding back to the status of a third world country, but it doesn’t ensure the prospect of becoming a member of the 4th industrial revolution. The panel discussion will focus around necessary changes in Ukraine’s further development in order to turn Ukraine’s industrial policy into industrial policy 4.0. 

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