Successful Investments – Mission Possible

07 October 12:00 - 13:30
Dallas Ballroom 2

Ukrainian business needs investment, but, furthermore, foreign investment funds need more investment objects, since profitability in Ukrainian environment by far exceeds same figures for developed countries. The war and property protection issues are not an obstacle – there is a huge number of foreign institutions capable of operating in harsh environments of developing markets. However, currently the main problem is the inability of Ukrainian entrepreneurs to represent their companies and business ideas together with the inability of regional authorities to provide information and conditions on foreign investment penetration into local projects. Although, willingness of both parties to create new businesses removes these obstacles.  

International investment funds practice will give practical recommendations on how to get fast funding for your business, and will also offer to look at the activity of their institutions. Representatives of non-state reform institutions will clarify on weak points in regulation that still exist between an investor and Ukrainian companies, and explain how to fix it.


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