Digital Transformation in Industry: Awakening

19 October 13:30 - 14:00
Expo Zone, 1st Floor

The interest to the industry 4.0 grows fast in Ukrainian industries, and at the same time current stage of development carries many mistakes, which is natural. Together with Alexey Shcherbatenko and Alexander Yurchak, various practical cases will be reviewed, and recommendations on the correct approaches to the the initial stage of digital transformation will be given.

The following topics will be also discussed:

1. DNA of 'Industry 4.0' - what is the relationship between business performance and 4.0 technology?

2. Which value drivers should be focused on, and how do they affect progress in different industries?

3. On maturity, or basic principles of the transition from 3.0 (2.0) to 4.0. What is fraught with the approach of setting the “rocket engine on the cart”.

4. Good, bad, ugly - good and not quite good practices that are already used by major Ukrainian industrialists in the digital transformation.

5. The strategy of transition to 4.0 in the context of obsolete assets and low culture: key priorities.

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