Entrepreneurs On The Front Line

12 October 16:30 - 17:50
Hall A

A panel discussion about entrepreneurs who are holding not only the economic front, but also the military one. The discussion will address a number of questions, including:

1. What can the experience of war bring to business, and what business can give to the military?

2. How to integrate veterans into work teams?

3. What is the motivation of entrepreneurs to fight in the war?

4. How did business and team management experience help (or not help) during military missions; how has the business changed after the decision to join the Armed Forces; what lessons from the war could be useful for business; what can be changed in business or in personal management style after returning?

5. What should be changed in the country to make veterans feel comfortable returning to civilian life; where is a business person more effective today: at war or in the workplace?

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